Hey friends.. I am super excited about this new blog! To get this started off right, I’m going to share something that has really arrested my thoughts and attention recently… 1 Samuel 2:21, “The boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord.”
Think about that for a moment. Digest what that means.
This is what I want for my life. To ‘grow up’ in the literal presence of the King.. to constantly dwell within His holy shadow.. to be so near to His throne day in, day out.
It’s really a state of being, that sacred space where you truly thrive.. where you are close enough to His glory that you can hear His voice when He whispers His love. I want to be so enamored with His beauty that my eyes are consistently fixed on Him, and somehow I don’t notice stress, worry, or the tumultuous waves beneath me, because all that matters is that I am in His presence.
The boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord.
And on that note, I end with one of my favorite Hebrew words.. “selah,” which means to “pause and calmly think on that.” Selah indeed!
Much love,