Clarity & Trust

Once, someone asked Mother Teresa to pray for her, that she would decipher God’s voice with clarity, and instead, Mother Teresa prayed that she would develop deeper trust in God.

This story has so largely impacted me.  There are many times in our lives when we don’t understand what’s going on or where to go from here, and we seek a thoroughly explained, well-said answer.  Interestingly enough, I think God prefers our committed trust more than He cares that we understand.

Friends, I know that many of us are faced with difficult decisions and trying situations, and it would be nice to have clarity of God’s voice.  I pray that over your life, and mine, as well!  But what is more important than us understanding is that we learn to trust.  God desires our trust.

And always, God is to be trusted.  He only ever is good.  He transforms bad to good.

So much love to you.  When it is important, I pray that all of us would be able to discern God’s voice.  And when clarity is not so clarified, I pray that we trust God.  He will lead us to good things, and He always leads us toward life.

My heart.. my prayers,

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