Worship Principles, 003

It’s Thursday again.. which means a new blog post!  Hello from the West Coast!

I believe that a big responsibility that comes with leading worship is proclaiming God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will over your church.  There is a sacred and supernatural shift in the atmosphere when the worship leader begins to sing promises, favor, and answered prayers into existence.

For example, in a time of political turmoil, pack into your arsenal songs of peace and assurance.  During a “dry season,” weave into the set Scripture that discusses faith and joy.  If there is lack in the church, sing provision over them!  If there is anxiety in the church, sing confidence over them!  Sing not what is, but what should be!

Of course I am not suggesting to negate real issues.  But I am 100% telling you that God is bigger than any of our problems, He says yes when the doctor says no, He shines in our weakness.  In my experience, people come to church looking for answers and hope, not for reminders of problems that currently exist.  So in essence, part of the anointing that comes with leading worship is a little prophetic.  Sing LIFE where there is death; sing PEACE where there is worry; sing REST when there is disappointment; and sing TRIUMPH where there is weariness.

Sing life, favor, open doors, good health, strong relationships, peace, joy, and security over your church this week, and expect a supernatural shift!!

And personally, from my heart..  take a moment to be still (selah)..  Jesus reigns.  Always has.. always will.  AND He is very, very concerned about you, my friend.  xx

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