Category: Leading Worship

Setlists that Major on the Majors
Good morning, worship leaders! It’s amazing how the Lord Himself interacts with us again and again in corporate worship settings. It never gets old—I mean, never ever gets old—to see the “lights”
Leading Worship: A “Place” We’re Familiar With
Hey, worship leaders! I moved into Johnstown, PA, in 2014—almost seven years ago. Wild! I don’t know if you’ve ever made a major move in your life before, but it takes quite a bit of energy! I’ve
Leading Effective Rehearsals
Few would disagree that the quality of a worship team’s rehearsal directly impacts the Sunday ministry itself—and over the years, I’ve been part of some refreshing, powerful rehearsals and some
The Power of Praise
As congregations around the earth are beginning to gather together once more after serious regulations during our worldwide pandemic, I wanted to write a note of encouragement to worship leaders
Leading Worship: Shift the Atmosphere
Hey, friends! It’s been a minute or two since I wrote specifically about leading worship, and I’ve been itching to roll up my sleeves again and share what’s been churning in my spirit. In 1
Putting Songs in the Best Key: Leading Worship
Hey, worship leaders! Once, on the subject of leading worship, Darlene Zschech taught, “We do all that we can do, and then we let God do all that He wants to do.” How true. Leading worship, like
Leading Worship IS Worship
Worship is not music. Or, I suppose a more accurate statement is that worship is not limited to music. And you know this. Romans 12:1-2 makes it clear that worship necessarily involves our entire
Fall in Love with Jesus in Front of Others: Leading Worship
Hey, all! Something has been burning in my heart recently regarding leading worship. I have said over and over again in my writings and to various teams that the role of a worship leader is less
Fast Songs for Worship, 2
Hey, all! Several years ago (was 2013 that long ago?!), I posted “Fast Songs for Worship,” and it remains one of my most heavily trafficked posts. That indicates to me that worship
Job Description of a Worship Pastor
One of my favorite things to do is disciple people, especially those who feel a call toward career ministry! And I have blogged extensively over the years about leading worship and being a