Author: joshuahrwatts
Another Side of Jesus
When I received Christ as a child, it was because of a revelation of His compassion. It was in a dream that He appeared to me, and I was flooded with the sensation of His warmth and mercy.
The Humanity of Christ: A New Perspective on Life
Perhaps you have wondered, like me, why God had to send Jesus to us as a human—as an ordinary, blue-collar, working-class man. A simple man. A man who sweat, felt hungry, needed haircuts, and had
Folly, Forgottenness, & the Faithfulness of God
A few days ago in a thoughtful phone conversation with me, my friend wondered aloud, “How will we recover from this? Will our economy ever bounce back?” It’s a valid question in light of the
God is Enthroned Over the Flood
“The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace” (Psalm 29:10-11). Dear friends, at
Leading Worship: Shift the Atmosphere
Hey, friends! It’s been a minute or two since I wrote specifically about leading worship, and I’ve been itching to roll up my sleeves again and share what’s been churning in my spirit. In 1
Mercy and Grace
I learned recently that there are some languages around the world that don’t have a word for “grace.” So to translate the song “Amazing Grace,” for example, that language might instead call it
The Majesty of God
After a busy Christmas season, I invite you to pause. No, I mean really pause—right now. Pause and close your eyes even. I’ll wait. Breathe in through your nose, and pause again. Now gently
A Thessalonian Introduction
Hey, friends! At the time of my writing this, I am putting the finishing touches on this piece whilst sitting in a New York airport, waiting to head to Montenegro to visit family who are
Do Not Forget His Benefits
Psalm 103 famously opens with these lyrics: “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy Name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits—who forgives all
A Message to Church Leaders
As I’ve been reading through 1 Peter recently, I can’t help but notice the dramatic transformation that took place in Peter’s life. In the Gospel narratives, Peter is portrayed as a bit