It’s Thursday again, folks, and I pray this blog finds each of you doing well – and that you are starting the year off strong! What I wanted to share with you today is the idea of “platform dress responsibilities,” as I like to
Happy 2015! As I sit to write this, I am snuggled in a hoodie a few sizes too big on an air mattress in Delaware, slowly sipping away my Earl Gray and wishing that it would last longer. 2014’s end of year responsibilities and demands had
Happy day, friends! End of the year craziness has officially ensued.. I trust you are enjoying it as much as I am!! I’m keeping with the tradition of compiling a “Best of” list. What an incredible year for worship music!! I
“Now it happened as [Jesus and the disciples] went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But
We meet again! Another Thursday, another new blog – hot off the press!Today we have the privilege of sinking into the words of my dear friend Rachel Wightman… she has previously guest blogged for me here (a fantastic article), and I feel