My whole life I have been SO attracted to the notion of teamwork. Something about every person having a perfect niche, specializing within his own sphere, and being celebrated for his unique contribution within the context of a healthy
Happy Thursday! Several months ago, I read a tweet that I think was sent off by Israel Houghton, or someone was quoting him, or something like that. Or I could be totally off. Anyway, it said something to the effect of “God
Hello, friends.. Many moons ago, I used to volunteer at James River Assembly in Missouri when I was in college, and I worked there in the preschool department. I have worked in children’s ministry for about a decade (wow!) and I have
For followers of Christ, Easter is the most important day in recorded history. Jesus, having been publicly brutalized and murdered, proved to be stronger than even Death. The stone was rolled away, the grave cowered in defeat, and all of
I woke up this morning really reflecting on John 3:30, “He must become greater; I must become less.” Let’s take a look at the context of this verse. John the Baptist, the predecessor of Christ, was describing his role in